A huge welcome to Norfolk Coast RDA where our mission is to enrich lives through riding horses and ponies. 

Riding for the Disabled is a national charity which thrives under the presidency of HRH Princess Anne. In 2019 it is 50 years old.

Norfolk Coast RDA, is a recently established group, which evolved from the 30 year old North Norfolk RDA and we now enjoy the patronage of international event rider - Piggy March.

We provide school age children and adults with the opportunity to experience the horses and ponies from the North Norfolk Riding Centre based in Little Walsingham and which is leased from the Walsingham Estate.

Our group is open to people with a range of disabilities and we offer activities from stable management, beginners riding and competitions at home and away.

We are very grateful to our volunteers who have incredible talents and skills and we are always keen to have more joining us.


Gabe riding Brandy with two volunteers

One of our riders with their newly earned Endeavour Award

For our gallery of photos click here



Quiz night 6th February Binham Village Hall

Always a lively and entertaining evening with delicious food and friends. Hosted by quizmaster Alan Ponder, an event not to be missed. Great prizes!

Please see Our Calendar for riding term dates and other events.

Keep up with us on Facebook (feed below) and Instagram. Norfolk Coast RDA - we are easy to find.

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